Monday, January 26, 2009

Korea, here we come!


This is gonna be the 2nd trip Ping&Wen will be going for together... the first one being Yunnan, China.

So as you can see, we didn't "kill" each other and also came back in one piece... even though we are both very different in what we think makes up a good holiday.

In short, we did the obligatory sight-seeing and sufficient shopping to keep Wen happy and also enough meaningful and adventurous stuff to satisfy Ping.

So there is hope that even though we've nearly "strangled" each other over the Korea travel plans, we'll end off spending good sister bonding time and have loads of fun in between...

And this time, for the benefit of our precious parents at home, we will be uploading a day-by-day account of our travels.

Cheers to Pops and Mops!